Jun, 2022 I started a new position as a tenure-track assistant professor (RTD-B) at Politecnico di Milano!
Feb, 2022 The tutorial entitled Inside Plato’s door: a tour in Multi-view Geometry will be held in conjunction with CVPR: https://sites.google.com/view/platomultiview/
Oct, 2021 We received the Best Paper Honorable Mention at ICCV 2021 with the following work: Federica Arrigoni, Andrea Fusiello, Elisa Ricci and Tomas Pajdla. Viewing graph solvability via cycle consistency. https://iccv2021.thecvf.com/iccv-2021-paper-awards
Aug, 2021 Two papers accepted at ICCV!

Federica Arrigoni, Andrea Fusiello, Elisa Ricci and Tomas Pajdla. Viewing graph solvability via cycle consistency (oral).

Andrea Porfiri Dal Cin, Luca Magri, Federica Arrigoni, Andrea Fusiello and Giacomo Boracchi. Synchronization of group-labelled multi-graphs.
Jul, 2021 The 1st Workshop on Traditional Computer Vision in the Age of Deep Learning will be held in conjunction with ICCV: https://sites.google.com/view/tradicv/
An IJCV special issue will follow: https://www.springer.com/journal/11263/updates/19335400
Apr, 2021 Welcome to my website :)